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If a child is determined eligible, services will be identified in collaboration with the families and provided as authorized by the county.

The services may include:

- Special Instruction (work with children and their families on following directions, attending to tasks, development of learning, play and social


- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) (a systematic behavior approach in treating children, primarily used in children with autism)

- Speech/Language Therapy (helps children with expressive (spoken) and/or receptive (understanding) language delays as well as with feeding

difficulties to address strategies and to improve feeding, chewing/swallowing and mealtime behaviors)

- Physical Therapy (work on muscle control and coordination, strength and endurance, gait and mobility, balance, and coordination needed for

crawling, walking, running and jumping)

- Occupational Therapy (helps develop fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, self-help skills, sensory and motor functioning needed for dressing,

grasping, tying shoes, writing, cutting with scissors)

- Psychological Services (administering psychological and developmental tests and other assessment procedures; interpreting assessment results

and obtaining, integrating and interpreting information about child behavior and child and family conditions related to learning, mental health, and


- Counseling (to assist the family of an eligible child in understanding the special needs of the child and enhancing the child's development)

- Family Training (teaches parents and caregivers strategies for helping their child achieve success in daily activities)

- Service Coordination (helps the family navigate the early intervention system)

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